Welcome, we're happy you've found us.
What else will be helpful for you?
EVERY WEDNESDAY of school terms
We've renovated our hall to make it safe, accessible and comfortable and now we've started.
Come straight after school each Wednesday of the public school term.
Each week, we start with a relaxed time of afternoon tea to allow everyone to get here before starting the fun.
We play all sorts of games, learn some life skills and each week explore a small part of the Bible.
It is a safe place for everyone to be included and belong.
There is a $2 charge for those who able to contribute.
Pickup is at 4:45pm.
Registration will be required on the first visit.
Everyone involved holds a current WWVP card and has completed Safe Churches Communities' training.
Come straight after school each Wednesday of the public school term.
Each week, we start with a relaxed time of afternoon tea to allow everyone to get here before starting the fun.
We play all sorts of games, learn some life skills and each week explore a small part of the Bible.
It is a safe place for everyone to be included and belong.
There is a $2 charge for those who able to contribute.
Pickup is at 4:45pm.
Registration will be required on the first visit.
Everyone involved holds a current WWVP card and has completed Safe Churches Communities' training.
- Come and SHARE WITH us -
The Anglican Church in Devonport has a long history, through St John's in Devonport, St Paul's in East Devonport, and St Olave's in Don. However, we are more than history, we are a church for the people of Devonport and the whole region TODAY.
We are going through a wonderful process of revitalisation and we'd love you to come and be part of it. Whether you're simply exploring your faith or wanting to keep it growing and help it flourish, we're here to support one another in that walk. We're all just regular people, so you will fit right in. We're restarting our children's and families' ministries. Our newly renovated church hall is safe, accessible, fresh and inviting. See above for details about our new Wednesday after school club for grades 3-6. We've been revisiting our worship practices over the last few years. There is now a wonderful mix of the old and the new which are both meaningful and contemporary. We strongly believe in the vision of the Anglican Church across the state to be 'A church for Tasmania, making disciples of Jesus.' If you haven't visited us for a long time, or have never been to church before, we'd love to welcome you and help one another grow in our faith together. Come along for a few Sundays and see what we're all about or get in touch for a chat. We'd love to encourage you in the same way that your presence would encourage us. |
St John's, Devonport
You're welcome to come and share in our weekly church service
9.30am at St John's Every Sunday
followed by morning tea.
The Lord's Supper is usually shared on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month.
What to expect on Sunday
What do I need to wear?
There is no dress code, please wear what is comfortable for you.
What will happen during a church service?
You will be welcomed when you arrive and handed some information.
We will sing some songs together (you can join in or simply sit, listen and enjoy).
We will read the Bible.
A sermon about the Bible reading will be shared to help us explore it.
Someone will lead us in a time of prayer.
If the service includes the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion), a small piece of bread and an individual cup of wine or juice will be offered as a celebration and remembrance of Jesus' death on the cross
for the forgiveness of our sins.
After the service, we have a great chat and a few laughs while enjoying an awesome morning tea.
Will I be expected to give any money?
We do not 'pass the plate' around. For those who would like to contribute towards our ministries,
an offertory box is available when leaving the service for voluntary contributions.
Alternatively, many people choose to give online.
BSB: 067 402
Account: 10309405
Account Name: Anglican Parish City of Devonport
There is no dress code, please wear what is comfortable for you.
What will happen during a church service?
You will be welcomed when you arrive and handed some information.
We will sing some songs together (you can join in or simply sit, listen and enjoy).
We will read the Bible.
A sermon about the Bible reading will be shared to help us explore it.
Someone will lead us in a time of prayer.
If the service includes the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion), a small piece of bread and an individual cup of wine or juice will be offered as a celebration and remembrance of Jesus' death on the cross
for the forgiveness of our sins.
After the service, we have a great chat and a few laughs while enjoying an awesome morning tea.
Will I be expected to give any money?
We do not 'pass the plate' around. For those who would like to contribute towards our ministries,
an offertory box is available when leaving the service for voluntary contributions.
Alternatively, many people choose to give online.
BSB: 067 402
Account: 10309405
Account Name: Anglican Parish City of Devonport
- What we believe -
In an ever changing world, we are striving to make our faith real and relevant to our modern lives and to those around us. However, what doesn't change is God's truth, so we believe:
- that the Bible is the word of God and 'is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.' (2 Timothy 3:16-17). - that 'God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.' (John 3:16-17). - that 'God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us' (Romans 5:8). - that Jesus said 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die' (John 11:25), and proved this to the world through his own resurrection. - that in response to God's love we are to, as Jesus said, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Matthew 22:37-40). - the forgiveness that we have through faith in Jesus is a great joy and is relevant to our lives today as we strive to live for Jesus and share his love with others. |
Who are we
We are a wonderful mix of Jesus' followers. Many of us are faithful saints who have been worshipping here for decades, while many others have only recently joined us. It doesn't matter how long any of us have been here, we are all united in our faith and our desire to follow Jesus.
Our faith is real and relevant to our modern lives because Jesus is. He famously said that he came so that we 'may have life, and have it to the full' (John 10:10). We value God's word, knowing that learning from it is the best way for us to keep our faith real and relevant. Our Sunday sermons are faithful to the Bible's teaching and we also meet to study the Bible on Tuesday afternoons at 2pm in the church hall.
We show our love for each other and our community by being involved with Devonport Chaplaincy and it's mentoring program, by helping with the local school breakfast club, volunteering for Gran's Van and Devonport Loaves and Fishes, as well as being involved with many other local community groups.
We are a growing community and there is always room for more. You're welcome to come and experience the joy and peace that we have in knowing Jesus as a community. We're not perfect, but we do our best to keep growing as we love and serve God and our neighbours. We'd love to meet you.
Our faith is real and relevant to our modern lives because Jesus is. He famously said that he came so that we 'may have life, and have it to the full' (John 10:10). We value God's word, knowing that learning from it is the best way for us to keep our faith real and relevant. Our Sunday sermons are faithful to the Bible's teaching and we also meet to study the Bible on Tuesday afternoons at 2pm in the church hall.
We show our love for each other and our community by being involved with Devonport Chaplaincy and it's mentoring program, by helping with the local school breakfast club, volunteering for Gran's Van and Devonport Loaves and Fishes, as well as being involved with many other local community groups.
We are a growing community and there is always room for more. You're welcome to come and experience the joy and peace that we have in knowing Jesus as a community. We're not perfect, but we do our best to keep growing as we love and serve God and our neighbours. We'd love to meet you.
but I haven't been to church for a while
There may well be a good reason for this, or there may not be.
It doesn't matter, just know that we'd love for you to connect with us.
If you haven't been for a while, you'll notice some positive changes.
Some of the 'older ways' of expressing our faith may not be understood today
so we're adapting to other ways that still communicate the love of Jesus.
Our beliefs have not changed, but the way we express them are different.
We haven't done away with what is rich and valuable from our past which grows our love and knowledge of God,
and share that with others today.
Why not join our other recent arrivals and come along and see what's happening for yourself?
You might be in for a pleasant surprise.
It doesn't matter, just know that we'd love for you to connect with us.
If you haven't been for a while, you'll notice some positive changes.
Some of the 'older ways' of expressing our faith may not be understood today
so we're adapting to other ways that still communicate the love of Jesus.
Our beliefs have not changed, but the way we express them are different.
We haven't done away with what is rich and valuable from our past which grows our love and knowledge of God,
and share that with others today.
Why not join our other recent arrivals and come along and see what's happening for yourself?
You might be in for a pleasant surprise.